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Just To Annoy Some Of You ...

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Stargazer | 16:48 Sat 25th May 2013 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
I am eating fresh crab again which was only caught on Friday. Not by me, but by a local fisherman off the coast where I live. It is all white crab meat (special deal) and it lasts for three days...... satisfied grin !!


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I'm only jealous if it's Cromer crab!
3 days?? If it's white crab meat, it wouldn't last 2 mins here! I love it, enjoy Stargazer! :)

Yeah, righto, enjoy.

(sounds good to me)

not annoyed

enjoy yourself, and i assume you are washing it down with something suitable
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Only a cup of tea Excelsior. The reason it lasts three days is because it is a crab shell full of all white meat which I use for three sandwiches (one each day). It is caught off the same coast as Cromer Cupid. You would not be so keen if you know what crabs eat!!! That is why I like only the white meat!
Some crab some meal 3 days to eat
Not jealous at all I would not eat it for anything.
I love crab but no way would i be able to keep it for three days. Id have to eat the lot, one in a sandwich and the rest straight out of the shell!
I hate you. soooooo jealous.
Totally irrelevant I know, but my mother (RIP) was born in Cromer.
What Jeza said.
totally irrelevant but my grandfather was born near Gt yarmouth.
What jeza said, they boil them alive and they live on poo, yuk
Welcome back, Lady J, hope the holiday was good. How was the Chelsea Flower Show? - bet there were no cows there, well of the bovine form.
Tut tut, wrong thread DTC!
It must be hard to be a Cromer crab,
And move sideways through your life.
Is it because they are shellfish,
And destined for gazer's knife.
I'm on my way round!!!!
Tonight I have a burger
Homemade and rather drab
I'd rather be Stargazer
and dining on a crab
: o (
lol grasscarp
brown meat on toast mmmmm

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