No you're not ! You are "O.K.", "Fair to middling", "Not too bad, thanks for asking" etc. Only your parents, God bless 'em all can tell you you're good. The bloody state of the English language OR the state of the bloody English language
OR ..... shoot me now !!!!!!
And there was I thinking I was alone in hating it. I also get fed up on radio phone in's when people ask the presenter "how are you". Complete waste of time.
The young factors tend to say it- i think it's quite common now. I suppose if we can say "I'm not too bad" or "I'm not too good" maybe we can't really object to "I'm good"..
The expression I can't bring myself to use is "My bad" when I make a mistake
To say "I'm good" does not imply you are in good health ! You would say "I'm fine" or "O.K., thank you for asking" - "I'm good" implies you are better than all those who may not be quite so good !
I guess I have to accept that you are all good ! I'm not sure that I am completely good. I would like to think that I am slightly good but who am I to judge ? I guess "the good" are the judges ! Love you all ! xx