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All Good Things.......

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excelsior-1 | 20:04 Wed 09th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
65 Answers

........come to an end

i regret to say that there will be no more caption competitions from me - - - courtesy of DTC and mazie (their comments at the end of today's competition thread took me by surprise)

i enjoyed doing them, and i hope those of you who played enjoyed aswell



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Exc is to stay Not just yet..from Monday It really is nice to know He's changed his mind and will not go Hooray !
04:35 Fri 11th Oct 2013
Hi excelsior...I didn't mean to be rude or hurtful...sorry. I just thought it would be better every week, something to look forward to and add more thought to rather than on a daily basis. Sorry again if I upset you, It really wasn't meant in a bad way. x
Hi excel, don't get upset, it was a great idea. You could put it on on Saturdays giving people to Sunday evening to submit captions - a bit like the MM and KM games. xx
Take no notice of negative comments, excel, a bit of fun everyday is always a bonus.
Neither did I, excel - you are being hypersensitive over this.

My comment implied - and that is the term I meant - that perhaps you should have left the competition open a bit longer. There are the evening folk coming in after a day's work and early evening bocialisation, you know.......
Aww nooooooo :( gutted I was looking forward to doing the weekend slot this week
NO, queenie, you must put it on and well done re your test xx
Excel don't be in danger of flouncing:-0 I don't read either Mazie's or DT's comments as having a go. Can I also say that letting the evening people have a try is a good idea. I am at work and our system doesn't let me open the pictures so it's a done deal by the time I get home.
They're just comments from two Abers Excel... If you enjoy doing the daily thread and people are happy to subscribe...then just ignore everyone else, me included. Again no offence was meant at all.
You can be such a drama queen Excel. If you want to do them then do them, if you don't want to do them stop doing them and don't blame other people for it.
Are we on about a wedge?
Flip, soz, wrong thread.
I haven't seen the comments, excel, but if they were about finishing each day a bit early, I must admit I agree - it's often closed down before I get in from work some days! No criticism of you, it's a fun competition between ABers.
I didn't mind was better than the bloody changing avatars.
I hope you change your mind excel! x
I think with any 'regular' thread set-up, there will always be those for and against and those who would like to see a different format.

I know quite a few despair of the 'Night Night Song' thread which came about accidentally - but the easiest thing to do with those you don't get on with is just to avoid them.
I love snags............
Theyre a great larf …. keep us amused with more thru dim cold days.
Nobody was against it (on the thread he's talking about anyway). The comments excel is referring to were actually people who just wanted to be able to join in more!
I agree with others that I think you have taken the comments the wrong way.
I would urge you to reconsider if only for the fact that the competition was a daily highlight of my sad life! xx

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