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I've Got Four Inches

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stewey | 16:42 Wed 05th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
...of snow sitting on my balcony railing, and from experience I know that there will be at least three times that on the ground (I haven't been out yet), and it's still churning down with no sign at all of abating any time soon. Now I realize that this doesn't compare to some of the winds and flooding that some of you are experiencing, but I thought I'd let you know. I bet that I take the sidewalks instead of the field later on:)


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That sounds mighty chilly :-(
So you have 12 inches altogether? I haven't seen that in years.
Shrivels in the cold you know...........
Thats the best question title I've seen in a while ;-)
Wrap up warm!
Surprised Sqad isn't here yet!
I'll knit you a willy warmer!
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It's not that cold: minus seven For some reason it rarely snows when it's really, really cold.
Maybe he's jealous, psybbo...
Psybbo, have you found gness and tony yet? Excuse the intrusion, stewey. x
Nope, Haven't seen them around here at all, cupid
...or shoota?
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That's OK, cupid04, after all it is CB: we can go off on tangents:). I've got me string vest to keep me warm during my arduous trek later on.
Shoota has gone off to France again, pixie, maybe he's entertaining gness and Tony!
Does the pub not do deliveries? Or does Mrs S throw you out of the house so that she can get some peace?
Just read latest posts:- See how far this goes, I've got four inches, lol!
Oh, i see. They aren't still locked in her shed, are they? Sorry stewey x
How long do you expect the snow to lie, stewey?
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No deliveries of beer here. Anyway, it's more fun being there:)...Time for a shower and a shave...See you later.
Lady J is looking after Tony's goats - not sure where he has disappeared to but we on his e-mail list were bombed by his recent flood of jokes......gness is off on an open and shut curtain advisory servicing case.

Still quite nasty here - occasional squall, the wind still blowing fairly strongly, lots of damage out there but, other than detritus and small branches, okay here, cross fingers. My sister has lost five trees, one that they are getting chopped down this afternoon as it's hanging out over the sea wall so they want it out of the way to prevent damage - their cesspit is close to it as well....Three of the tree are pines and I well remember these bastards as they have a habit of snapping about a third of the way up in hurricanes!

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