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Why Do Good Things End

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queenofmean | 16:38 Sun 23rd Mar 2014 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
I've had the best weekend of my life and its over OH has gone home and its back to usual pining, and working and pining some more


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Thats life, Queenie, however there's always next weekend to look forward to.
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lol yeah but i'll be spending it with my parents Tony :(
Does the OH live very far away, Queenie ?.
Is it just the weekend that is over, Queenie? Hugs
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about an hour and a bit away Tony, but its a bus journey and a train away from me - we have discussed me going over for a visit. But its hard when we both work and only I have Sunday's off he's off in 2 weeks though so will see what can do then
There you go then, look forward to two weeks time.
Ah, that's a relief, I wasn't sure when I read your post.
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Yeah just the weekend Sib - he stayed local for 2 nights and we went to the zoo and I took him out for cake for his birthday, we watched tv for a bit in his room and I started to fall asleep so he brought me home and today we went for lunch and he bought me a new top and he returned home.
If good things didn't end then they would soon become just everyday things. The good thing about good things is that they are different from ordinary things (if you get my drift!)
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I do Tilly :) I just have never had such a good time with someone I really like and actually cares about me but I guess absence makes the heart grow fonder :)
I'm glad you are happy. It's nice to be in love.
Makes you appreciate one another more and not take each other for granted, qom. xx
We'll just have to keep you amused until the next time
Don't feel sad about spending time with your parents. I would do anything to spend another day with mine, if they were both fit and well how they were in their prime. :)

good evening queenie

think of it this way - you can look forward to the next time you see him, it will be something to keep you happy
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It is Tilly :)

It does Cupid :)

I'm sure you all will manage Sib and I appreciate it loads ;)
Oh, the butterflies you get as the time approaches!
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I'm understand Sir Alex. I'm actually looking forward to spending a day with them as it doesn't always happen. I spend more time with mum and rarely see dad because of work.

I'm sure I will, I just find at times Excel the longer I wait the harder it is and I wish my life away.
Do I need to buy a hat ???
I know that feeling, QOM. When I first started seeing OH, he lived in Scotland and I lived in Kent. Once a month, he would come down for the weekend. In between, we both just had to get on with our lives!

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