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Piddle Mints

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albaqwerty | 14:07 Tue 06th May 2014 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
thanks to JJ for the idea)

Yellow snow (ugh)

but what about those people who don't use the tongs when putting their fresh rolls/doughnuts etc into a bag without using the tongs and they've touched the produce before selecting?

ugh and ugh


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I've usually squeezed every avocado in the shop. I hope nobody eats the skin.
i lick every doughnut
i'm the same jno with melons
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(I don't think I've ever eaten the inside of one, whether it's been grilled, griddlled or done to death :-)
lol@mccfluff my tea's just gone everywhere
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(silly sniggers from here at the Cuddlyone!!)
Gawd, I can't see! Tears are streeeemming!!
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my secret vice would be to sook out the jam from them though Fluffpot :-)
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I'll need to go, got things to do,
thank you for a lovely afternoon folks!! xxx
lol me too
Double dippers at cocktail parties.
Nowt wrong wi a few germs.
Just think of what happens when you osculate......
They're called "cocktail parties" now, are they jj? ;-)
(tries not to think about shoota osculating with random restaurant customers)
LOL pixie

You can't stop people doing that, and personally I wish everyone wasn't quite so obsessed with germs. A few germs are healthy, we need exposure, not wrapped up in cotton wool. It doesn't bother me at all. You can't spend your life wondering whether someone's been picking their nose.
Nobody osculates with my avocado
Those of you who are observant will realise I've posted on the wrong thread, I dug up one from 4 years ago, I said

...and I'd forgotten all about the piddle mint thread four years ago, JJ - see below! - I've still never even seen mints in the loo, let alone heard anyone else call free mints by that name.
The mints aren't in the loo ... they are usually by the debit card machine, or wherever you pay.
Ah JJ, you said this

After their meal, diners go to the loo, and then dip in for a mint.

They're till mints, then, nothing to do with piddle....

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