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Lights Out

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rockyracoon | 17:52 Mon 04th Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
48 Answers
Who's turning their lights out at 10 o'clock tonight?

I will if I'm still awake but doubt I'll burn a candle.


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I will be in bed already (alarm goes off at 4.30am) else I would have done it.

I saw something about leaving one single light on?
I will turn out the lights, Rocky...but not light the candle....not since the accident with...the candle...the mantlepiece and the holly...and it wasn't my house.... :-(
A bit of a meaningless gesture in my eyes based in a quote which wasn't all that accurate.
I will definitely! Never forget those brave souls who fought for us all.
It's the first I've heard of this, 'fraid the leccy police aka MrAsk would object to that. Hopefully those brave men, (my great uncle was one of them) will be remembered in their hometown.
Yes definitely, got a candle
I thought it was at 11o'clock
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It's from 10-11pm Ladyalex.
I will, we'll go to bed as OH is leaving for work at the crack of dawn tomorrow. There is an vigil at our Town Hall this evening, we're not going but many are.
first I'd heard of it too. Nice idea, normally something like this would have had everyone talking about it during the day at some point, but heard nothing
There has been loads on the TV news for the last few days about it....
Thanks for the link Boxtops (I really should start watching TV more) :o)

Yes, will be doing it here!
The Fire Brigade are going ape-shi-ite with all these houses with just candles burning....
I have lit my candle. We Should remember them.
I've lit mine too.
we are at the moment sitting with lights out and a candle burning in the window. its the least we can do lest we forget
Lights out here, candle lit.

Lest We Forget.
I lit a candle in memory of my father in law who joined up when he was 14

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