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HansUrbancka | 18:36 Mon 04th Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
A friend of my wife has just been released from hospital after having had a serious knee injury from having been knocked down by a dog being exercised in a public park. She was in the park with her own dog and knew the owner of the dog who had thrown a stick for his dog to chase after. The incident was most unfortunate.

However, my wife's friend's release from Hospital was, so she thought, dependent upon her passing the up and down Stairs Test and that there was Not any problems with her Hearing. She did say 'Pardon' to the Asiatic Doctor who was talking to her.

Anyway the resultant tests established that she could move up and down stairs and there was Not anything wrong with her Urine.




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Did they take the urine as well, or are you Hans?
☺☺☺....Bit like when I took my very skinny and aged sister-in-law to have her fractured cheek bone looked at....

On the way home she asked why the doctor said all she could do now was watch her weight....she was thin, for heaven's sake!!!!

Luckily I was there to correct it to.....all you can do now and wait....☺
I was sent to hospital by my GP for a nerve problem in my elbow. I had several blood tests and a chest X-ray. This was 5 years ago. I am still waiting to hear why two fingers on my hand are numb.
Jeza, I think you Baldric and I have similar
I don't get your post at all, Hans. What does your title have to do with it and what is the relevance of the urine? Sorry if I'm missing something obvious

Jeza, Anything like this

A feeling of numbness in hands and forearms, very mild on right side, much stronger on left. From Little finger and ring finger across the palm and down underside of arm to elbow, uncomfortable to rest arm on anything solid
Have I missed something Sibs. Please explain.

Meant to add it's both sides of little finger, outside only of second finger.
Baldric has just explained it, Jeza and I have been following his progress
Factor, think irony.
When I registered with a new GP after moving, the GP was giving me a once over and reading my notes he says "I see you had syphilis" I nearly fell of the chair I replied "I did?"

On further examination of my medical records he says "Oh no, it's Psoriasis"

No Baldric. Left hand little finger and ring finger. Total numbness all the time. When I first went to hospital I said I thought it was an RSI the Doc assured me it was a damages nerve in the ulna. As I'm left handed it has taken some getting use to but I manage.
All I can see is mishearing hearing as urine or vice versa.
factor I think it'a a joke that she thought he said your hearing when in fact he said your urine. If it's not that them I am equally flummoxed.
I think my keyboard has lost its D.
I'm afraid this post has totally passed me by too.
Sorry, just don't understand it at all.
I remember at university someone asking a lecturer if he had heard The Clash. He looked embarrassed but then proceeded to tell us, no, he had been fortunate never to have had The Clap.
Okay, I'm a gonner here. Goodnight all.
She misheard the word "passing".
I think we have both come to the same conclusion. I assume it was a shaggy dog that caused the accident in this story
Hence extracting the urine.

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