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Who No Longer Says Fortnight?

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boxtops | 16:43 Wed 27th Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
121 Answers
I still say Fortnight, and Marmalade - what would you say instead?


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I still use both, worried about losing Balders..............
I still use both of those words.
What do people say instead of marmalade then?
Excuse me Boxy, Did you have a good holiday, B00 and welcome back
Rarely so - too long living on the other side of the Pond. It isn't used over there.
What has marmalade become......citrus conserve? Or some other poncy, pretentious term?

Total twaddle.

I haven't said fortnight for at least two weeks.
What do the Yanks say instead of fortnight and marmalade, DT ?.
'Losing Balders' what sense?
I say Fortnight quite regularly. I would use the word marmalade if I had need to but as we hate it in our house it doesn't get used much. Oh uses 'marvellous' all the time.
Not using fortnight and replacing it with "two weeks" would be as daft and not saying stone and replacing it with "fourteen pounds".
AS not saying
like I typed
I am completely puzzled here. What other word should or could I use instead of Marmalade ? Orange Jam perhaps ?

And Fortnight has always been used to describe a period of two weeks, especially when it comes to a holiday " stop fortnight" for instance. Am I missing something here ?
A fortnight? That's two sennights isn't it?
two weeks and marmalade tony - one could suppose that 'orange conifiture' could be used though they would probably say 'orange jello' (sometimes used for jam).
Here in Ontario I hardly ever hear "fortnight"; however, that stuff in the jar with a golliwog is, well...marmalade.
This is the kind of guff you get when you employ a 22 year-old with an ology but not a clue about the real world and what's going on there.

Sibs, worry not, Balders is Dashing around N/Kent, (see what I did there?)
Do they still have the Golly on the jars in Canada? Long gone over here.
Round here (Yorkshire) 2 weeks is a fotnit.
Ah yes I hadn't forgotten that the yanks call jam jelly.

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