Dogs love them but you have to be sooo careful . I never gave my dog bones after hearing some horror stories about them. Pity really, because, as I say, dogs just LOVE them.
Like the OPs have said - dogs love them but I found when I gave them to my late dog Mr Harv - his poo would have been powdery so I then thought they constipated him. A very rare treat he would get them - Maybe twice a year - maybe once.
We give our dogs bones. If you have access to a pressure cooker you can 'boil/steam' them beforehand. At least then you cut down the risk of splintering.
Max used to get one a month for a treat,the local butcher would cut a piece of a cows leg bone about six inches long.Max would strip any meat off it then hold it upright in his paws to get the marrow out.If there was some he couldn't reach we'd have to rake it out with a spoon handle after which he'd just ignore it.