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A Propos Of Nothing

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DaisyNonna | 22:19 Sat 04th Apr 2015 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
Beautiful moon tonight


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Just spotted it, Daisy. It's just broken through the clouds here.
.... and that's why its Easter Sunday today, falling on the first full moon of spring. Beautiful indeed.
is it meant to be a 'blood moon'

or did I mishear and someone was saying well it COULD be a blood moon and that is mentioned in the NT but not tonight folks...
Beautiful moon tonight as well, Daisy. Much better view of it for me than last night.
Today has been a lovely day altogether...
What have you been up to then, crafty ?.

Come outside
Tried that one, Baldric. It never bloody well worked for me ;-)
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oooh Tony!
LOL, maybe I didn't try it with the right gal !.
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Second night running there has been a clear sky
Wasn't clear up here last night, Daisy.
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Clear and chilly here.
Not a lot Tony, it's just been very quiet and sunny in our village. Nice to see the young couple opposite out for the first time with their new baby...
Same here tonight as well, Daisy.
Ah right, the weather good enough to take a very young on out.

I think I'm gonna have to pour my self another sloe gin.
glorious day here and more happy memories stored away !
on should be one.
Is your avatar one from today, minty ?.

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