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Journalists Lingo

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Khandro | 09:21 Sat 06th Jun 2015 | Phrases & Sayings
5 Answers
I know it's a bit of a law onto itself but the present headline on the BBC News website is;

'Hundreds more China ship dead found'

The BBC no less, where will it all end?



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it's probably a matter of finding short words that will fit in a given space (and that space may be different on different platforms). It doesn't exactly sound like fluent English.
The words may be English but the sentence sounds just a tad chinese..
"Hundreds more found dead on China ship" would probably have fitted.
The headline is to get you to read the small print
( there is a technical lingo word for it - taster, trailer or something )

nothing to do with English Lit O level - and no Shakespeare would never have written it.

Hundreds more dead in China ship tragedy

difficulty is - more people arent dying - more of those already dead are being found

and the sub ed doesnt like " bodies" either

Let's hear if for the hacks and scribblers - they have a difficult job being accurate let along writing obituaries ( see Charles Kennedy thread )
anyway it's 'a law unto' not 'a law onto'. Pot calling the kettle black?

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