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The Most Powerful Man In The West And

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cassa333 | 07:23 Wed 18th Oct 2017 | News
44 Answers
He can't even get a travel ban in place.

He may be having a war of words with North Korea that could escalate into something much more dangerous but this so called leader of the free world uses twitface like a school kid having a spat.

It would be laughable if it weren't so dangerous.


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Twitface....I like it cassa !
-- answer removed --
I misread the title as "the most powerful man in the West End"!
"Trump denigrates Obama over false fallen soldier claim"

Watch him do the quickest u-turn ever !
U-turn begins at 1 minute into the clip.
Trying to protect his country. What a twit!
Trying to protect his country doesn't give the President carte blanche to do whatever he likes. There's also the Constitution to consider.

Still, I was surprised to see this news. With the addition of North Korea and Venezuela I thought that maybe the ban might be wide-reaching enough to escape any meaningful challenge. Apparently the judge disagreed, although notably NK citizens and Venezuelan officials are still subject to the ban.
Jim, //Trying to protect his country doesn't give the President carte blanche to do whatever he likes. //

I know. Can't criticise him for trying to protect his country though - and actually, I find it odd that anyone would ... but then again, it is Trump. Nuff said.
// Trying to protect his country. What a twit!//

even presidents have to obey the law - and pleading "half my administration told me I couldnt do dis and I'll tell you waaat! I say get em out and shoot em and build a warl - and dont leddem back in again!" - q rapturous applause
only works on TV
"Can't criticise him for trying to protect his country though..."

Isn't this a case of ends not justifying the means? I wouldn't criticise Trump for wanting to protect the country and I suspect most people wouldn't -- if that's as far as it went. But it isn't, and you know it isn't.
// Trying to protect his country doesn't allow the President to do whatever he likes. // J
I know. Can't criticise him for trying to protect his country though - (s/o else)

yes you can ! you can criticise him for trying to protect thro unlawful means. And they are criticising him - because even Presidents have to obey the law.

Even James VI and I had to back down from the King is above the law ( 1605 or thereabouts) . The last AG of the Land of the Free who said that the presidents opinion was crap dont defend it - lost her job. The courts found that the presidents opinion was ....
she didnt get her job back

oh well normal day on AB then
can anyone find the actual court report - I would like to see what the reason was
Jim, //I suspect most people wouldn't -- if that's as far as it went. But it isn't, and you know it isn't. //

What are you talking about?
// if that's as far as it went. But it isn't, and you know it isn't// J ( my fave actually)

er Jim you said you werent really a woman-kissy-man and now ...
it is all coming out. You know what is in a lady's mind. The rest of us dont. Good Luck.
Jim says he knows what is in your mind

I have reproved him - and reminded him the rest of us dont.

(rest assured dear Ni - the dark secrets of your mind remain locked and unknown to us)
The Donald only wamts the best for his country, I do find it odd that some would rather use it as a political weapon.

Still the measures are in place to ensure one man is not the most powerful man. Obama found the same.

I dont see the problem?

As for use of twitter (the term twitface has been used many times on here Mickey BTW) I suspect he uses it because without doubt the mainstream media wold twist everything he says. Like they try to after the event. At least this way he is able to get his message out and it is clear, unlike some others, it is he who is doing it not some politically correct beast doing it for the Pres.
YMB...twist what he says ?

Look at the link I provided above. Nobody needs to twist anything, when Trump is saying things like that.
I was talking on more general terms. And yes the MSM do twist what people (not only Donald) says.

So I stand by my statement.
Its his job to protect his country, it's not his job to be a complete idiot though :-(
He's only a complete idiot to those that disagree with him though.

He does things differently and that is why is in the White House not some Establishment stooge. may be one of Trumps only fans !

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