An irrational fear of bad luck I know, but for no reason other than superstition, I will not put shoes on the table or open a brolly indoors, and I have just said hello to Mr Magpie and asked after his Mrs!
Same as Minty (except the cracks which in my younger days was more a game than a superstition). Plus, weirdly, I will not trim finger/toenails on a Friday.
I don't tend to have any really. In the past I've maybe tried not to make changes when I appear to be having success/luck but I know it's just psychological.
Just googled my nails superstition and it seems there are several rhymeś that cover every day of the week. Variously, there's shoes, news, health, wealth, etc. Friday counts for sorrow and Sunday for bad luck.
Now I know where I've been going wrong all these years! I'll stop trimming nails on a Sunday too from now on!
I don't really have any, though, as a gambler, i am aware of a few. Always back the outsider of three and always back the trainer whose horsebox is the first you see on the way to the track. Needless to say, following either of these would probably leave you bankrupt :-/
Never walking under a ladder is more common sense than superstition, isn't it? Usually there is someone atop the ladder and, more often than not, that someone will have something in hand; tools, paint pot, chamois leather, etc. The chances of them dropping said item may be remote but not unheard of. So, to avoid having something dry and hard or soft and wet drop on our heads, we walk around the ladder. Simples:-)
I'm very supersticious despite not actually believing in any of it, so I won't cross on the stairs, salute Magpies, touch wood if I say anything to jinx anyone. I believe black cats are lucky ( I have one) in the states they are unlucky ( other half has one), babies aren't safe from the fairies til they sneeze and the first person through your house after New Year must be a dark haired man (in the front out the back doors) carrying coal and you must give him money ( my Dad always did it) so yeah I'm full of weird, but will happily walk under a ladder and do things on Friday 13th.