This has brought back many memories for me, thanks Bill.
My late father had a Double Diamond pint tankard - he used to fill it with his powerful home made barley wine. He would brew the beer in his beloved greenhouse that sported fluorescent lightening, heating, an electric radio and telephone extension. Any given evening as he switched on the greenhouse light it would be like a pub opening its doors to the public. Mother and I would be sitting in the lounge watching television and hear the back door open followed by the sound of one of the sliding doors in the kitchen cabinet that housed glasses. As the back door closed we would see the security light come on in the garden and we would watch a neighbour going down the garden path to the greenhouse.
He would enter the greenhouse complete with empty glass and father would fill it for him with the nectar. A little later the noises would happen again as another neighbour joined the party. The greenhouse would easily accommodate 4. At the end of a good night we would hear the back door open as the neighbours returned the empty tankards to the kitchen sink.
I remember that we had a Watney's Red Barrel complete with internal bulb as appeared on top of the delivery lorries. It was chucked out in due course with other unwanted items such as a "death penny". All this before the days of Ebay. I often think we binned a small fortune in today's terms.
Once a week my mate from work and I would travel a few miles out of town to have lunch in a pub just before pub lunches became de rigeur. We would order a pint and a half of lager and lime whilst perusing the menu. The barmaid always placed the pint glass in front of him and the half before me. It became second nature for one of us to swap the glasses around. He never minded though, bless him.
You have made me feel full of nostalgia ...