Above charity looking for donations towards training of new members. I always supported but have not given sing]ce Whitby outrage when VOLUNTEERS were sacked when female on $40.000+ complained about Mugs. Sticks in the craw that this can happen!! 2018
Good, I suggest you write to head office asking them not to bother soliciting donations from you because none will be forthcoming and tell them why. Otherwise you're displeasure will never reach the right ears ( it aint us) x
If you lived near their HQ in Poole (as I do) and saw what they spent on their offices and knew the amount of back room staff they employed and the salaries they paid them you might also think twice about donating.
I agree, Simvan. I always supported the RNLI and it was one of two named in my will.
When this happened I contacted them for more information. They replied with a load of waffle so I decided to no longer support and I removed them from my will. I informed them of this and the reply was that they were sorry to hear this but there was more to the story than had been made public so would I reconsider.
Only, I replied, if they would tell me the whole story. They didn't respond.....x
Volunteers- in particular- will never be sacked unless they are horrendous. There was either far more to this story (and apparently there was...) or the RNLI are so rolling in money that they don't need volunteers. Either way....
Not necessarily. I would be even less impressed with an organisation that had no respect for confidentiality. They could be shut down for that....
Using your own common sense- how likely is it that "life-saving" "free of charge" "angels" would be dismissed from anywhere?
If I were to continue donating, Simvan I could only do so if I knew the whole story. To tell me that there was more but I wasn't to be told isn't the way to get my donations.....it smacks of deceit.......x
No, Pixie...I disagree. Deceit = something to hide. I don't donate to an organisation with something to hide......it's why I resigned from Save the Children and why I now only work with or donate to organisations and charities that are open and above board......x
They have to be. If you think honest, valuable volunteers would be sacked over a couple of mugs, that's entirely up to you. I can't believe that for a second.
You're turning the story on it's head, pixie.
As far as I can see, some fat, money-grubbing,Common-Purpose, purple haired feminazi thought she'd make a PC mountain out of a molehill.
And decent people have had a guts-full of scum like her.