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mallyh | 16:35 Tue 03rd Sep 2019 | ChatterBank
92 Answers
well I've just been described as disrespectful.disgusting ,selfish creature .I don't blow smoke on other people ,I don't smoke near children
I don't smoke near eaters ,I carry a small ashtray with a lid so don't drop dogends .I DO get a lungful of exhaust fumes when i'm walking ,which I do as I don't drive ..quite honestly with all the @@@@ I have to put up with in my life i'd explode if I didn't smoke x


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I get you Mally. It's bloody irritating when holier than thou people make sweeping statements like that. Yes SOME smokers are disrespectful. I smoke - but havent smoked outside of my own garden for a couple of months now. Not sure how that makes me disrespectful but there you go. As far as I am concerned, what I do within my own curtilage is my own business and not...
17:15 Tue 03rd Sep 2019

// well I've just been described as disrespectful.disgusting ,selfish creature //

And the problem is? ;o)
Oh dear, we shall have to call you Mallyh Pariah:) Sometimes when I'm standing outside the bar having a cigarette some people actually pretend to cough and choke as they amble by...Quite amusing.
Don't pay any heed.
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one of the worse is my elder sister who smoked like a chimney, she goes off on one with any smokers x
I was called all that by a pre-op assessment nurse when, due to delays, I had to see her twice. The op was NHS and life saving. When asked on second meeting if I had kicked the habit I told her I sort of cut down a bit. She called me all the names under the sun and threw a few expletives at me for good measure. I gave up smoking immediately bless her. 3 years of nicotine patches failed. An angry nurse telling me what she thought of me did the trick. A very heavy smoker for about 45 years and have’nt smoked for 11 years. Selfish? I am not. :-)
You have to take it in your stride Mally, yesterday much the same was said of all smokers and vapers in another thread.

I commented that I hadn't noticed I had visitors.

Like you I always carried portable ashtrays and I moved as far away from others as I could.
My granddad smoked 60 to 80 a day. When he got ill the doctor told him the cigs would kill him within a few years. He stopped that day!
I have no problem with smokers doing their own thing but I don't want to inhale second hand smoke - it's been in someone else's body For Funks Sake!

I was really pleased when they stopped smoking in the office & in pubs etc.
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I just read the vaping thread that's what got me a bit annoyed x
Mallyh - you have my total sympathy and support (I'm a smoker too). What really p***** me off is that the non-smokers who forced us to smoke outside now think they can control outside areas too e.g. pub gardens.
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I don't smoke in my home so it was no problem not smoking in pubs etc x
davebro //I don't want to inhale second hand smoke - it's been in someone else's body//

But you don't mind second hand air?
I need air, I don't need smoke!
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do you drive dave ?
It appears our smokers/ vapers hang on to every climate change boffins words as gospel. Tell them that medical research appears to find vaping is more addictive than cigarettes and they are in instant denial.
Hey ho. Hope they kill themselves first before me. World is over populated and so is this country.
No denial from me that there problems with vaping or indeed almost anything we ingest regularly, it's the people who spot you 30 yards away by the edge of an area and make a beeline for you to semi collapse as they accuse you of causing them to asphyxiate that gives reformed smokers a bad rep.
^ some
I have never smoked but my parents did, they both died of health problems related to smoking, mum was 58.

I think that people should be able to smoke without being made to feel like pariahs, they are hooked on a strong drug and must find pleasure from smoking.

Teaching youngsters that smoking is not cool should be the main focus.
Wise words Wolfie.

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