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maximo | 21:07 Sun 27th Nov 2005 | Phrases & Sayings
3 Answers

Can someone help please ? I am working on a translation, English to French, and I 've come accross a sentence I just cannot make sense of. Here's the sentence ( it's the part in bold I don't get ) :

"As feminists have been arguing for 25 years, it takes more than two people to raise a child or, given the thinness of New Men on the ground, usually one."

What does "New Men on the ground" mean ? Is the author making a reference to some sort of new generation, or type, of men ? And in what sense are they "thin" ? I would appreciate any insight ! Thanks all.



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'thin on the ground' means hard to find. So there aren't many New Men.
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Oh my GOD !!! Thank you JNO !

I've been looking at it as in "new kids on the block" kind of phrase !!! lol ! I guess that's what happens when you've been looking at something for so long, that you don't see what's around it anymore....Thanks again, it all makes sense now ! :-)

The phrase could have been worded, "...given the thinness on the ground of New Men".

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