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Double Barrelled Names

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lankeela | 09:59 Sun 30th Oct 2022 | ChatterBank
61 Answers
Why? Just why? I can understand if its a posh family member marrying another posh family member like the Ponsonby-Smythes, but so many ordinary people do it now. Pointless.


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Some people want to keep their maiden name as well ,for various reasons
My husband has a surname as his middle name that could be construed as a DB name but it’s actually a generation thing ,his grandfather,his father , him and his son carry out
Could be there are no males to keep the family name going
Why do you think it okay for posh folk to have double-barrelled names but not "ordinary" folk?
Some people simply inherit double-barrelled names, where the linking of the two names together might go back several (or even many) generations.

For example, my schoolfriend was David Bates-Wilkinson not because his father was a Bates and his mother a Wilkinson but because his father, his paternal grandfather and his paternal great grandfather (and probably further back too) had all been called Bates-Wilkinson. So the original linking had taken place when social practices were very different to nowadays.
^^^good question to the OP
^^corby at 1013
I've often wondered what happens when both people have double barreled names, which two names do they drop without causing offence. There has been an incident in my own family concerning double barreled names which annoys me. My own family name is quite short and a cousin married someone with a much longer name and they joined them and in all honesty it sounded quite good. However I later discovered they had changed the name on the gravestone of his father who had died in the second world war, to their new name. I checked with the war graves commission who confirmed this had occurred. Personally I find this quite insensitive and wrong.
They have even called a gun a Double Barrelled name .Good for them .
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I'm not saying I agree with posh knobs doing it, just that it was more common for them when two posh families were joined by marriage, but for the council estate trash (of which I am proud to be one) to start doing it is just getting ridiculous.
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Me and my mum used to play a game with phone directories while waiting for our washing in the launderette and we found a triple barrelled name of Brindle-Wood-Williams in the London directory.
Some parents do it when they marry so that they have at least one name the same as their children.
I don't see anything ridiculous about it .
It's perfectly normal.
Yours etc

Douglas Shotte-Gunne
I think we visited this before when I suggested 2 people with double-barrelled names might marry and end up with a quadruple barrelled name & so on & so forth. Yes - I think it's a bit daft, but hey - different strokes for different folks.
I get where Lanks is coming from ,we have a few poshys in the H.O.L and in Parliament itself, Jacob, Reece Mogg, presently and years ago there was Anthony Wedgwood Benn, I quite like DB names to be honest
You're proud to be one of the "council estate trash" but do you not appreciate that others in that same group might also be proud of their surnames and want to retain them when they marry?
takes me all my time to remember my single-barrelled name!
Perfectly normal

TTT Johnson - Sunak
I know a couple that didn't use either surname when they married, they chose their own

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