I thought I was but now that's debateable because I've never been in prison. To avoid causing offence, new guidance for prison officers advises them to stop calling prisoners 'convicts', and to refer to ex-cons as “persons with lived experience” or “prison leavers”. Killers, thugs, rapists, child abusers, thieves. criminals of every description … you've got to respect their sensitivities. Meanwhile their victims who certainly have 'lived experience' - but experience they'd rather not have lived - are left scarred for life. Whichever bright spark of a Civil Servant came up with this rubbish should be shown the door - pronto. We're paying that twerp's wages!
Showed this to Mr T who was employed by the prison service as an instructor many years ago now. Not surprised,just said that's just the way everything's going now.
It's ridiculous. I'm so glad I was born when I was and had my son grew up when he did. No way would I have kids these days. I can't see things changing just getting worse.
Obviously I have been 'lagging' behind with all this wokery. Not all prisoner,certainly, are not ************&*& but the ones we escorted were Cat A and deserved every name under the sun thrown at them and it wasn't client.