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Adults Only: Am I A Just Privileged Or A Spoiled Rotten Brat?

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Nasate | 02:16 Thu 29th Jun 2023 | Family & Relationships
11 Answers
Adults only: a while ago, I accidentally broke my phone while throwing a tantrum, and their parents later got me a new one for their birthday. Would you call me just privileged or a spoiled rotten brat? Please don't feel compelled to answer this question.


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Dont get it. Their parents and their bitthday?
Lucky to have generous parents who can afford to do this. Maybe next time offer to save up and repay some of the cost, this would show you are becoming a responsible adult. If they won't accept the money maybe gift it to a charity. When good things happen it's nice to put something back
How nice of them, and how lucky you are to have parents like that. You threw a tantrum but you can learn from this and act better in the future.
I see a lot of young people who dont have the slightest respect for property or any idea of the value of goods so they dont try and preserve them. Why should someone buy you a present on their birthday. Maybe saving pocket money to buy your new phone would be a good lesson. Most households have an old phone or two lying around in the meantime although I`m sure thats not cool. You dont say your age or why you tantrummed but if you are of an age to use a smartphone then tantrumming is not cool.
Looks to me like a copy & paste that wasn't edited well.
Looks like spam to me, what an odd question
Maybe English is not first language. are spoiled. While breaking the phone might be called "accidental"...your tantrum was not.
Learn to save for the things you want, then you might treat them with more care.
the latter.

This reminds me of another poster a while ago... anyone else remember?  Another spoiled brat who needed to get a job.

The one who was jealous of her sister?

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Adults Only: Am I A Just Privileged Or A Spoiled Rotten Brat?

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