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Fao - The K M Players

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seekeerz | 00:01 Sat 27th Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers

Apologies again, folks - my phone is having a hissy fit again, so I'm hoping someone could cut and paste the clues from the Telegraph ....would be much appreciated 🐨😘



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Hi Steff , et al, the clues are as follows:19a. Word for a col, gap or way between mountains; an event; a fish-ladder; a free ticket; a juggling trick; a permit; a proposition; a sally of wit; or, a thrust with a sword (4)40a. From “to cook”, a room for baking, broiling, frying, grilling etc; its batterie de cuisine, collective cupboards or staff; the...
00:24 Sat 27th Jul 2024

Hi Steff , et al, the clues are as follows:

19a. Word for a col, gap or way between mountains; an event; a fish-ladder; a free ticket; a juggling trick; a permit; a proposition; a sally of wit; or, a thrust with a sword (4)

40a. From “to cook”, a room for baking, broiling, frying, grilling etc; its batterie de cuisine, collective cupboards or staff; the traditional fare of a country; or, a utensil for roasting meat (7)

44d. From Arabic for “wine”, a hot drink prepared from the beans, cherries or peaberries of a tropical shrub; a cup of this; or, its café au lait or mocha colour, when mixed with milk (6)

49d. Word primarily referring to a regina, but also a “dame” playing card; a gyne honey bee; a large olive; a powerful chess “lady”; a rex cat’s female mate; or, any woman of excellence (5)

I won't paste the answers at the moment.

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Thank you, twix, much appreciated 





I think that JJ has won the 🥥 tonight.

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Thanks JJ, sorry I've given BA to twix ...for services rendered 


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Fao - The K M Players

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