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Young Cyclist.

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William51 | 10:39 Sat 03rd Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
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 Last night i had a near miss in my car. Driving around a corner a boy cyclist was riding towards me on the wrong side of the road and i had to swerve into the other lane to miss him. I hope he learns from what happened because it was frightening.



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Unlikely, as he must have known and not cared beforehand.
10:43 Sat 03rd Aug 2024

Unlikely, as he must have known and not cared beforehand.

This makes me angry too as young cyclists do things like this in my quiet semi-rural home area - wheelies in the road, riding on the pavement and then charging across the road without looking. If you wre to have accidentally killed one you'd be scarred (and probably blames for life).

Cyclists are my pet hate - especially the men in lycra that speed along main commuter routes, they might as well have you on the back of their tops.

The Lycra clad are often middle managers, protected by the veneer of thrusting capability which in turn hides complete inadequacy in their utterly pointless lives.

Spare a thought for the poor souls, Prudie.

I've never liked the idea of cycling. I bought one 20 years ago and went out on it on a Saturday morning because I thought the roads would be quieter. What a mistake! I was frightened to death. I quickly came home, walking with the bike most of the way. I gave the bike away to a member of my family. Why anyone would want to travel on two wheels in this country is beyond me. Never again!

At one time I believe the EU were considering bringing in a law whereby any motorist colliding with a cyclist or pedestrian, was automatically guilty of causing the accident. No questions asked. The drivers' fault. 

My main issue with cyclists is that some drivers will sit behind them at 10mph for "miles", afraid to overtake & causing a queue of traffic.

Some kids are terrifying on bikes

A while ago I was in very heavy traffic waiting to get on to a multi lane, multi junction large roundabout when three children started circling me and other cars on their bikes. Wearing hoodies and masks it was clear they were trying to rile and intimidate the motorists.

They disappeared when they heard the sirens. 

I see kids doing wheelies in heavy traffic, no road sense, not a care in the world 





My main issue with cyclists is that some drivers will sit behind them at 10mph for "miles", afraid to overtake & causing a queue of traffic.



Shouldn't your issue be with the idiot drivers?

it's a combination - wouldn't have one without the other...

Cycling is no longer a safe and happy pursuit on most busy roads in the UK. No cyclists encountered whilst driving makes for a better journey.

Many cyclists have cameras and are very quick to hand footage to the police if they are overtaken too closely, regardless of how slowly the driver overtakes and the narrowness of the lane.

Of course the driver can't hand evidence of cyclists bad behaviour because they can't be identified 

I live on a rabbit run and avoid driving on nice summer weekends.  If it's not cyclists riding in an unofficial peloton it's suicidal bikers thinking their at the TT.

clone, it's not always the "idiot drivers" at fault. Where I live there are three small towns forming a rough triangle. Riding clubs from the three towns use this triangle, about forty miles, for their Sunday morning outings. They ride four abreast and occupy the same space as two double decker buses. When the four at the back hear an approaching vehicle they move across so the outside rider is now on the wrong side of the road making it impossible for any vehicle to overtake.

Same as that where I live, vulcan. 

I suppose there's the up side that when forming a rolling roadblock more than one of them comes off if something goes wrong.

As the erstwhile representative for cyclists on the Gloucestershire Road Safety Committee, I fought tooth and nail to get a cycle path alongside of the newly being built duel carriageway over the Cotswolds from Cirencester to Birdlip. The extra cost would have been miniscule compared to the overall sum.

Did I get it ?   did I .... ! 

The same problem has existed all over the UK for years. In Germany & other European countries separate, dedicated cycle paths abound, in both town & country. 

Khandro, are the cycle paths in Germany and the other countries compulsory? 

Whilst we're grumbling about cyclists they can be a blerdy menace on canal towpaths.  It is no good assuming the person walking away from you can hear you ringing your silly little bell when you hurtle up behind them.   A few people have died on the towpath this way in recent years

vulcan ; //are the cycle paths in Germany and the other countries compulsory? //


No; and strangely, many of the 'serious' lycra-clad types tend to ride on the main roads. I don't know why that is, perhaps they think the cycle paths are for cissies & e-bikers.  

Pedelecs, as the Germans call electric bikes.  

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