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Good Morning Early Birds X

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Smowball | 07:20 Wed 11th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
20 Answers

Well it's bright blue skies here at the moment - a lovely change from yesterday. Not sure if it will last but we shall friend here(think I told you) saw a deer early one morning just opposite her house in her quite busy residential road, which she had never ever seen before but said was beautiful. And then it brought me straight back to sat eve when we visited in-laws in their new home, which is just off a very long and winding country road, and there is a sign up saying to please slow down as 134  deer were killed by speeding cars whilst crossing the road in the last year alone. 134! That's just horrific. 
Lots to do today but for now I shall sit here and enjoy my cup of tea! 



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Morning Smow and all.  Apparently between 40 and 74,000 deer are killed on UK roads every year.  That's a lot but there are over 2m wild deer.  In the last few years muntjac deer have moved in to my area and I don't live in the countryside. (As a comparison over 230,000 cats are hit by cars in the UK every year)

I am busy busy today, lots of routine appointments, mostly at home. 

Hope everyone has a great day


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Morning Barry. That's a lot of cats and deer isn't it : (


It is! Lots of traffic, too.  Sadly the only hedgehogs I get to see these days are resting at the side of the road :(

That's a cheery start to the day.  It's going to be a lot warmer next week :) 

Hello you two, hope you're both keeping well. 

Only 230k Barry?

You lot must improve your aim🙄

On a more cheery note, I have just downloaded Moonflower Murders from the library, just in time for the new series starting.  I loved Magpie Murders, both the book and the tv series so I have high hopes for the sequel

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Morning 1ozzy - hope you are well?

Magpie Murders - don't think I've heard of that.

You need to watch it, Smow, it is wonderful.  Fab cast too.

Are they broadcast in black and white, Barry?

Morning all.

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Morning Tilly x

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Oh I'll have to have a look at that then Barry - looks good.

We are now voluntary puppy foster parents for a charity which trains service dogs. Our current puppy wanted to go out at 5.30 am. That's why I'm up and about with a bit of spare time. Nice sunny day here.

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Oh Tilly, that sounds wonderful! 

Well done, Tilly  :) 

We love having the dogs but wish we had eyes in the back of our heads. Puppy ladrador retrievers are a bit of a handful when they're not asleep.

between 40 and 74 000 is a very very wide estimate barry!

ps anthony horrowitz has another susan ryeland book out early next year

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Morning bednobs. Do you like hardbacks, or are you a Kindle girl?

Thanks Bednobs

Morning all. Nothing much happening here today (for a change, not). Its feeling cool but bright and autumnal. The couple who help with the garden have cut back the lavender hedge as it has finished flowering. The bees are having to make do with the perennial fuschia under the sitting room window.

Have a happy y'all

kindle all the way smow - i have a hand disability which means i cant hold real books


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