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Magpas Double Ee

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Maisie Doats | 16:06 Fri 27th Sep 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers

Are the letter counts correctfor both questions 99 and 100 ?
mI have answers I am sure are right but can't quite fit them in to the letter count. 
Also, does anyone know if there are any other amendments ?



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Sorry, I can't help, I've no idea what you're talking about.

From setter if this helps:

Q.99 should read 7,4,6,7 but will accept either.

Question Author

Thank you for your replies. Q 99 makes sense now.  I also think Q100 should be 7,6,5,7 and not 7,6,4,7 as given on quiz sheet.  If I'm wrong could someone let me know.   Thanks. 

100 not seen any comment from her but I agree but if you look hard enough you can find a 4 letter word. I'd like to think she would accept both. Try emailing her

I've sent mine in and don't keep copies.

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Magpas Double Ee

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