T W A U ... The Chase....today's Gem.....chaser This Time in The AnswerBank: Film, Media & TV
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T W A U ... The Chase....today's Gem.....chaser This Time

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ToraToraTora | 18:30 Mon 16th Dec 2024 | Film, Media & TV
21 Answers

Multiple choice

Q: Discovered in 2022 to be 16.3million light years wide, Alcyoneus is the largest known What?

A: Galaxy  B: Star  C: Black hole

Chaser answer C 🤣....contestant got it right!


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Is it A?

Oh Tilly...you haven't got the idea yet. The correct answer is not important (as we keep being told by Mr. Knowall).

The idea is to laugh at somebody who got it wrong.

There's me thinking it was D

Oh! It's funny because the chaser got it wrong? I see.

To me only B would have been a ridiculous answer. I'd have guessed A because that width is MASSIVE, but I have no idea whether black holes are anything like this order of width or far smaller. When I was interested in Astronomy at school black holes were never spoke  or written about as far as I remember- so there's a massive black hole in my knowledge. Maybe it's Liz Truss's fault.

I love a galaxy.

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tilly it's funny because the answer is obvious AND the chaser got it wrong.

No, it is not.

The answer is not ovbvious, I mean.

I'm surprised a certain individuals head didn't appear in the answers!


Tilly, I think black holes can be really tiny but MASSIVE in the sense of being very heavy, but I know some are huge (although not millions of light years). But I would have been only 80% confident with A rather than C

OK maybe 95% now I've had chance to think about it.... but with only seconds to answer who knows what I would have said

Bit of barrel scraping by the op. Are they not making enough howlers for you to pick up on?

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Well the largest known star is 66 light minutes across and all black holes are zero in size (singularity: infinite density and huge mass + event horizon)  so the answer was obvious.

//and all black holes are zero in size //

I have found sites (okay maybe they are wrong which say things like "Black holes can vary in size from the size of an atom to the size of a few million Earths, depending on their mass:"

But I accept after looking it up, none seem to be anything like millions of light years

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19:27 they are talking about the event horizon, not the singularity.

D'oh. Should have realised that (not). 

We don't all have an encyclopedic knowledge of astronomy, T3, although I do know my Vega from my Polaris.

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19:43 that's the basics.

Question Author

19:49 I mean the general subject matter in this question is the basics.

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