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Jesus of Suburbia

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SC00BY | 16:30 Sun 26th Feb 2006 | Phrases & Sayings
2 Answers

I keep hearing this phrase in songs, particlarly in Green Day songs! Anyone know what this means?




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Maybe its a play on the title of Hanif Kureishi's novel "Buddha of Suburbia"

Green Day love taking pot shots at comfortable middle America so it could be their opinion of hypocritical religious right-wingers

My daughter plays GD music almost constantly, but I don't really listen

Listening to the whole Green Day album - American Idiot - it appears as though the "jesus of suburbia" is also reffered to as "st. jimmy" who dies later on in the story (the album is a rock-opera telling a story).

St. Jimmy's character appears to be influential ("Jimmy says it's better than air... so give me novacaine") which one colud suggest makes him jesus-like and he is from suburban america.

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Jesus of Suburbia

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