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xyzzyplugh | 20:16 Fri 06th Dec 2002 | Phrases & Sayings
3 Answers
'Fain or fains I' the opposite of 'bags I' by means of which a positive claim is asserted; a call for truce, a statement of opposition, the earliest forms are 'fen', 'fin'; or 'fingy'.'


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I have no idea what happened with this 'feignlights' question, xyz. I gave an answer to it in good faith and seemed to be the first to do so. Now this statement of yours appears independently, seemingly after mine (ie higher up the page) but dated a day earlier!

There was originally something saying that access to an answer could not be gained, but that itself could not be accessed either. All terribly confusing...but let me assure you, assuming you did get there first, that I didn't just copy! Cheers

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