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Sex, Drugs, Rock and Roll

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danroll | 15:15 Tue 23rd May 2006 | Phrases & Sayings
5 Answers
where does the phrase 'Sex, Drugs, Rock and Roll' originate?
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I would take a guess that it was a media generated phrase from the 1960s

It was certaily popularised in the 1970's by the wonderful Ian Dury, who wrote a song about it.

It's generally considered that these are the three ingredients that make a young person's life worth living.

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George Melly's autobiography was called Rum, Bum and Concertina - he was in the navy, and that was the naval equivalent of wine, women and song. Sorry danroll, that doesn't exactly answer your question.
At my age , i have to cut one out, so its just sex, drugs and sausage rolls !

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Sex, Drugs, Rock and Roll

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