it is a myth that women stayed behind while men hunted.
any young fit and capable women in the community would be out hunting too - just one or two would stay behind and tend the cave etc - perhaps the lame or weak or pregnant or the ones too young to hunt but able enough to work - say 10 years old. (of course this would change depending on lifestyle - nomadic single families or larger communities)
it is our society that has created this 'image'.
woman were, and are, strong and fit and capable - the only reason many women, these days, become thin and feeble and squeamish, and incapable is because they believe it is their role and they believe physical roles are the mens - this is our society, not nature.
these people were starving for much of the time, they would have needed all hands to the deck to ensure they had enough food - there is no way they would have had 15-20 (or whatvever) fit and able bodied women sitting around in a cave prodding the fire
even now, one nurse will tend a ward, one person will tend the kids in the creche, one teacher for 30 kids etc
they simply would not have wasted their time
any cooking, cleaning, tasks etc etc would have been done after dark when hunting was impossible