you were almost killed and almost made broke because of some other selfish twart - why the hell shouldn't you get compensation off him?
if some b'stard almost ruined me i would sue him for anything i could get!
i take your point about uk becoming like the US with suing people unnecessarily and unfairly but your case sounds like it would have been deserving - you lost out.
i was a passenger in a taxi and another car bumped it.
the person in the other car said to me "go on our side, we'll get you 2 grand, this is what we do, forget your driver he's just a nobbhead, this is what we do all the time" - all the while holding a clipboard and trying to take my details, and his pal was ranting at the driver out of earshot.
they apparently did this regularly to taxis, as it gave them an independant witness and the company would foot the bill.
do you think they shouldn't have been sued for this dispicable behaviour?
i was ok, save for a slight bit of neck ache, but i made it sound worse to teach these swines a lesson.
- i could have been pregnant, had a weak heart, etc or been on my way to a funeral, deathbed, job interview etc - i was late for work and held everyone up on set
and i do already have a spine condition that could have been made much worse because of this
they didn't know - they just saw a young woman and thought 'bingo'
they deserved to be sued.