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Coming Down like stair rods"

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hobbitess | 14:59 Mon 25th Sep 2006 | Phrases & Sayings
5 Answers
Does anyone know the origin of this phrase ?


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Stair carpets used to be held in place by stair rods - long thin metal poles that were fixed onto the wood on each step with brackets either side of the carpet.

The analogy with heavy rain is obvious
The earliest recorded use of 'stair-rods' to refer to heavy rain - rather than an actual rod to hold stair-carpet as described by Dzug above - was in an article in The Times in 1963. That may possibly have been the origin.
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Thank you both
-- answer removed --
If you can prove it, mate, The Oxford English Dictionary (TOED) will be delighted to hear from you! It certainly seems odd - if what you say is true and I have no reason to doubt you - that no-one ever wrote it down anywhere during the 'missing' two decades.
I was a child in the 40s, too, and I certainly never heard it then. Over to you and TOED!

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Coming Down like stair rods"

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