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stevenflett | 23:27 Tue 05th Dec 2006 | Phrases & Sayings
3 Answers
If someone uses the following saying "it's like a sausage machine- what you put in you are going to get out" in conversation when explaining something, what is that called? What are the 'sayings' called?


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Muffet answered your question below this one with the word 'proverbs', which is correct. As you've asked again, I presume you want some other word. I wonder, therefore, whether the word you are looking for is "clich�". That is a sort of saying that has been used so often that it has become boring and rather meaningless.
It's called an Analogy
here's a topical example:

"Having a no smoking area in a pub is like having a no peeing area in a swimming pool!"

Generally it is using a non related idea to illustrate a point about the original idea.

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