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whinberry or winberry

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nykkieberry | 12:15 Fri 08th Aug 2003 | Phrases & Sayings
10 Answers
Is it Whinberry or Winberry? As it's not in the dictionary - can it be either?


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It is Whinberry, if you are referring to one of the alternative names for the blueberry, hurtleberry or whortleberry. It is called whinberry because it grows on the moors amongst the whin ( gorse ).
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I thought that initially but it would seem it's actually Wimberry! (according to the BBC) Confused!
Further research suggests that whinberry and winberry are just 2 variants of the alternative name for blueberry. On line searches suggest a host of others too. I can't find any dictionary reference to Whimberry or Wimberry whereas there's many for both whin.. and win...
Quizmonster, where art thou ?
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I wonder if it is a regional thing - wimberry seems to be a Lancashire spelling. It's not in the dictionary as it's a colloquial term for bilberries. Another interesting fact, one site is claiming that they can only be found in Wales! LOL! they are actually selling pies based on this!
At first it seems obvious - the fruit of the Whin (a thorny shrub similar to furze), but there is also Wineberry, originally the grape (1562) but nowadays referring locally to various berries, especially bilberries and gooseberries. (OED)
Here, Jelly-B! The basic current spelling is either whimberry or whinberry. Other variants are windberry, wineberry, winberry and wimberry. In Old English, it was winberige, meaning a sort of bilberry or whortleberry.
Well there we are then. We can choose just about any combination of letters that we want as long as the ending is berry.
QM, we rely on you for the answers when everyone else has had a stab.
wot about chuck berry, strozzi?
-- answer removed --
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Nick Berry. Ooops - that's me ; )

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whinberry or winberry

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