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Can't delete Bugbear infected file

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Tefler | 20:26 Fri 22nd Aug 2003 | Technology
4 Answers
I did a virus scan and found Bugbear in the connecting computer for our network. However, the files cannot be removed. They are in the C:\ Restore\ Archive. What should I do?


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Sorry - it wasn't bugbear in that file - that's elsewhere! - it was Nukeit-nukeit.
There is very little info on the NUKE-NUKEIT-o/m virus but if your antivirus software has quarantined it, I would not worry. The restore folder is where Windows has backed up data to allow you to "roll-back" if you decided to uninstall a service pack or security patch. The folder can be deleted but will affect whether it is possible for you to roll-back in the future.
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Thanks for the response. Unfortunately, the antivirus software - McAffee - said it couldn't quarantine the problem files. It suggested that they were either 'write protected' or in use. This is what's bothering me. So, I can neither delete nor quarantine them. Any suggestions?
Try running the scan in safe mode. The ideal solution would be to add this hard drive to another virus protected pc (as a slave or as a replacement for the CD-ROM) then scanning it (since no files on your original hard drive are being used).

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Can't delete Bugbear infected file

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