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Here's something interesting on
and that I possibly should've found before asking the question...
"My bad"
A way of admitting a mistake, and apologizing for that mistake, without actually apologizing. The best definition I ever read of this, now paraphrased:
"I did something bad, and I recognize that I did something bad, but there is nothing that can be done for it now, and there is technically no reason to apologize for that error, so let's just assume that I won't do it again, get over it, and move on with our lives."
Ruder than apologizing, but with the same meaning: a flippant apology.
"You just spilled your beer on my term paper!!"
"Er... my bad."
A combination of an apology and a dismissal. Basically, saying "oh yeah, I did that, but I don't care".
Persons of an older generation can find this quite annoying to hear when expecting an actual apology.
"Hey, you spilled my Coke all over me!"
"Oh. My bad."