Good for you mate - this is exactly the problem, their parents just couldn't give a tinker's cuss what their kids do and, even more worryingly, will ALWAYS take the word of their kid against an adult.
When I was a kid - and we're only talking about the 80s here - if my father saw me acting in that manner and mouthing off at an adult, he'd've knocked me into the middle of next week.
To answer the original question - No, I don't feel intimidated, but then I'm big enough and ugly enough to look after myself (16st flanker), so a few chav kids wouldn't bother me, but I can fully understand how a lone female (they would never have the swingers to take on a group so inevitably it is always going to be somebody on their own) would feel very intimidated.
It all boils down to a lack of respect, the finger of blame for which can be very firmly pointed at their worthless chav parents.