In real people they have a puzzle where they have two picture and you have to work out what each represents, put them together and you get teh hame of a romantic film
the pictures this week are
picture 1 - is a picture of a woman I dont have a clue who she is picture 2 is of a mother and son reading a book
any help gratefully received!
Posted this in wrong section before so have put it again in quizzes and puzzles now instead of phrases and saying!
Well obviously somebody Reid ? So...Beryl Reid? Anne Reid? Oliver Reed? Carol Reed? You really need to identify that first woman - show it round to friends etc!
have just checked pictures of courtney love (quizmonkey gave us the name ) and he/she's right, its definately her, so answer must be LOVE STORY.
thank you qm, would never have known who she was if you hadn't given a name.