No-one knows the origin in the 'rubbish' sense. As the name of a Chinese boat, however, it comes from the Javanese word 'djong'.
To make you a little bit more independent in your search for word-origins, here's an idea. Click
here and a link will take you to the YourDictionary website. Once there, you'll see a slot into which you should type the word you want to know about and then click on �Go'.
The new page explains the various meanings of the word, followed - at the bottom of the page in square brackets - by its its origin/roots. If you do that with the p-word you asked about earlier, for example, you will see that it came into Modern English from Middle English (11th to 15th centuries), having earlier come from Old French (early 11th to early 14th centuries) and - earlier still - Latin.
When you see that a source is so ancient, it should be obvious to you that we will never know who was the very first person ever to utter/write the word. In other words, to all intents and purposes, no-one "invented" it!
Try it now!!