"Chop chop busy busy work work bang bang" accompanied some pictures of a colony of penguins waddling around on the ice, all millng around as if they were engaged in ernest tasks. The advert suggested that if only we used the so-and-so product then all that stress, suggested by the penguins, would subside. I can't remember the product, but from the penguins, maybe it was a certain chocolate bar.
I've got a feeling it was for Cadburys Hot Chocolate or something similar - didn't the song slow down then speed up again after a refreshing cup of hot choc??
Click http://www.shazzie.com/raw/journal/2000/june.shtml
and scroll about 3/4 of the way down the page to the paragraph that opens: "I decided to work..." There you will find some confirmation of the Penguin chocolate-biscuit connection, as suggested by Hippy. (I'm not guaranteeing the authority of the website, you understand...but it looks helpful.)
This was most definitely British Telecom, around 1986. Yeah, there were penguins everywhere - stock footage of the things milling around (well, it may have been sped) and a voiceover extolling the virtues of something horribly expensive and pointless. Definitely BT...no doubt.