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Bewlay Bros | 17:19 Tue 13th Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
It seems Boy George has landed in trouble by keeping a gimp at his US home. The "victim" was a male prostitute, who no doubt performs such sordid acts (and worse) all the time.

My questions:

1) Do you think Boy George is being stitched up by the male tom because he is rich and famous.

2) Have you ever had a gimp, or is it a gaylord thing?


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my brother is a gimp
Question Author
A proper one??? Very honest to admit it.
No he's just a gimp
I'm surprised you never had your very own gimp in your army days wardy!
do you mean Salvation Army Skreecheeboy? That's the only army minter would get in
how can a gimp suit be sexual, they bl00dy scare me
now now 4GS what about the barmy army?
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zip holes on the butt cheeks but not the butt hole???
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never had a gimp.
but surrounded by them : - )

i can do you a deal on cuffs and whips tho ??
Was he left....

like this???

Wardy? lol ;D xxx
Question Author
I saw that woollen fetishwear on Graham Norton. I thought it looked very comfy.
For the umpteenth time on here I'm gonna make meself look like a right thicko ( and I'm not, honest ) but what the heck is a gimp ???

I just thought it was a term of derision with no particular meaning ! What am I missing ?
Question Author
A gimp is a leather clad sex slave who is bound and gagged by a full on leather mask. They are kept locked in a box. Have you seen Pulp Fiction?
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hehe, I don't watch Graham Norton these days lol

I do think it's terribly sweet of those German Grannies to think of others comfort though....

and yes... course George is being stitched.

and no.

I don't own a gimp.

;) xxx

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