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Its not just Chatterbank.

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puss_boots | 20:32 Thu 14th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
There are some hum dinger rows on here to, so all the folk who think its just here go have a look. ture/Question521560.html


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This was the post I was referring to earlier - some of the remarks are really nasty.
Oh I saw that too, but they use big words on that category, so I retreated quickly.
To be fair, that question was raised by someone to incite religious hatred and should not have been allowed to have stayed long enough for the rows to have escalated in that manner. Posters of questions have sometimes to bear the responsibility for the remarks that follow.
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As my mum used to say (Miss her every day xxxxx)

If you cant say something nice, then say nothing at all

Wise words.
Hi pussnboots, hi all, thats one topic i never get involved in it's always to in-depth for me, light hearted stuff is what i like, hope you are all keeping OKay and a Happy Valentines day, to my A.Ber friends, love and hugs to all, megan. xxxxxxxx
I have had to comment on a few today because I cant believe some of the posts people are putting out, Would they say this stuff to the person in questions? and really in real life does it all matter??

have we not all got stressful enough lives without ruining our chill out space?
Hi Megan -I thought you posted somewhere else in green thought you were in the dungeon.

Yeah puss -it a common myth that all the aggro is on CB -its all over the place - at least CB keeps it under one roof so you enter at your peril so to speak.
Hi Dris my love, lovely to see you hope all is good and well, Hi cazzz how's it going my love, big big hugs to you's love megan. xxxxxxx

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