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plastic carriers

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ladyalex | 20:47 Thu 20th Mar 2008 | Home & Garden
11 Answers
Every plastic carrier that I get from the supermarket, I use to line my waste bin. I recycle glass, plastic bottles and paper , compost my kitchen waste and have a brown bin for bigger garden waste. When the supermarkets stop giving carriers away, I will have to buy plastic bin liners for my waste bin. How is this going to make any difference at all to the environment except I'm now paying the supermarket for bin liners instead of getting them for free ?


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Good question ladyalex, I do exactly the same x
Simply because not everyone does as you do and makes good use of them. They lob them out of the car windows with the empty sandwich carton / drink container still inside.
It wont make a blind bit of difference charging for bags , people will still the same as they do now with them. It`s just another way to boost supermarket profits, just wait until we see next years profits in comparison to this year.
I too do exactly the same - and as my council will only collect rubbish left kerbside in black bags, food waste has to be very well wrapped up to stop the foxes and cats ripping the bags up and strewing rubbish everywhere.

Any spare carrier bags I have that are still in good condition go to the local charity shop to help keep their costs down.

If I have to pay for a carrier bag, I do not want advertising on it.

If this government is seriously concerned about the environment it should look at the total waste of energy that is motor sports. Give the drivers pedal cars instead of those gas guzzlers - then it will be sport.

If you really care about the environment how about you stop using a plastic bag for your bin. It takes 500 years to decompose. Instead use a recycled brown paper bag which will decompose in a couple months.
Becauses the foxes and cats will shred that to bits, leaving rubbish all over the road.

I have never used disposable nappies or 'female hygiene' products with plastic.
And paper bags also damage the environment:

Both paper and plastic bags have to be transported to stores, which requires energy and creates emissions. In this comparison, plastic is preferable because plastic bags are lighter in weight and more compact than paper bags. It would take approximately seven trucks to transport the same number of paper bags as can be transported by a single truck full of plastic bags.

And: ml
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Thanks for your comments, everyone. I was wondering if I was alone in having these doubts. Clearly I am not.
PS to Lukey121 I'm not that convinced about 'saving the environment' by not using plastic. I just don't like waste, that's really why I recycle ,if I can ,and always have.
You are 100% right and I agree with you!

According to a local news report, when bags were charged for in Ireland, the sales of bin liners went through the roof!

My advice? Stockpile your plastic bags now before they start charging :D
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Thanks Chazza, I think I will start stockpiling.
i thought i was the only one who thought like this. i have boxes for my recycling but i still need to use plastic bags for things that cannot be recycled. better get stockpiling now

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