Now we have these new entrants into the british language,"Whats said in this room,stays in this room"and variations of this, also people at my work saying i am "Confused.Com" does my head in!!!!!
What's said in this room stays in this room is no different in sense from the wartime slogan: 'Be like dad...keep mum!' I imagine the modern equivalent of keep mum might be stay shtum. All three phrases just mean don't give any secrets away and I cannot imagine why anyone would object to them.
Quizmaster that phrase grows arms and legs at my work and such, if we are in the bathroom, some staff member will say this with bathroom added in,or in the kitchen,sitting room, staff room,pub etc etc etc!!!!
Of course, anything that's done to death by constant repetition, Puddicat, becomes tedious. All I was suggesting was that it's not the phrase that's offensive, it's the repetition.
By the way, I'm Quizmonster. I point that out only because there is an AnswerBanker with the user-name Quizmaster.
In time, we get used to such new phrases. I note that you use the phrase 'Does my head in' without any qualms. Yet for oldies like me, and, I'll bet, for QM too, that expression would also be on the 'newcomers' list.
The 'it gets on my...' phrase, Daniela, appears to have originated as a piece of crude Australian slang. Certainly the earliest written use of it was in Australian Language published in 1945 by S J Baker.
It is probably just a variant on the similar phrase - of about the same vintage - 'it gets on my wick'. That is possibly even cruder, given that the wick part is probably rhyming slang for a word meaning the male sex-organ!
Why annoying things should get on either of these parts of the human anatomy is, however, a mystery to me.
i know its not that new but what really annoys me is when someone is talking about a subject and they get to the point and say....
at the end of the day.........
drives me insane!!!!!!!!!!
why should it be at the end of the day and not in the morning?
theres probably a reason why its said but i hate it
When all's said and the final analysis...and so on mean exactly the same as the phrase you dislike, Catcuddler. You'll notice that all three contain the concept of something that has finished, with words such as done, final and end. That's why any reference to morning in these circumstances would be nonsense.
Great definitions quizmonster, i also hate that "at the end of the day"expression, some people just dont say it once in conversation but several times, did it not find its way via america???
I don't believe this is an Americanism, Puddicat. The earliest recorded use of the phrase was in a book published in 1974 by H McKeating, who appears to have been a British writer on religious topics. Indeed, all the illustrations of the phrase's use given in The Oxford English Dictionary are British in origin!
Why do Brits always try to blame the Yanks for phrases they don't like? It's a mystery to me.