out of the box quiz in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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out of the box quiz

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Marijn | 22:02 Mon 08th Sep 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
20 Answers
Does anyne know the answer to the picture of a green leaf? http://www.frozenagain.com/password/acro.html

The quiz starts here; http://www.frozenagain.com/password/

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Needs a password
Question Author
The first answer is . . . the password
The leaf question is about the 10th question.
I'll try bramble.
Question Author
It wasn't bramble, unfortunately. The leaf question is actually the 14th question in the quiz. I could give you the first 13 answers if you'd like them, but thought you might like to play the quiz yourselves. You need to answer each one before the next question is given.
Question Author
I still can't think of the answer for the picture of the leaf with grass on. I wonder if it's an American expression.
why are the words written in that order (question 5 or 6)
Question Author
Do you mean the question that contains the word "colors"? It is a "haiku". So you just type the word haiku in the answer box.
Here is a bit of help for you:

The password is 12 characters long including a space

but I still haven't solved it yet!
Incidentally, I got stuck on Qu 13 (the Death Star one) and cannot find the 9-letter password.

And for your information, it appears that that leaf one is the last question - it just leads to an empty file that generates a blank screen.
Question Author
The answer to the Death Star question is "Wikipedia". The one where it asks for a password, you just type in "the password". How do you know the leaf one is the last question? Do you know the answer? Thanks to everyone so far.
Question Author
Any ideas, anyone?
If you look at the source code for the page you will see that the (lower-case) letters of the password are converted into ASCII codes and multiplied together to generate the access to the next page.

On the leaf page this product has to equal
A 12 letter password including one space will give a product of this magnitude. I have been trying to factorize that number to derive the password.

In any case, once the password matches, it will redirect you to the page having the URL:


That is a Null file and generates a blank page.
Question Author
gen2 thank you very much for your help.
I typed in "Walt Whitman" and got a blank page.

Did I just beat it?

Friggin' weird.
Question Author
YaaaY! Walt Whitman seems to work. It leads to a blank page as you say. But why a blank page? That's not much of a reward for the hard work is it? :-)
Anyway, what made you think of Walt Whitman? What is his connection with a grassy leaf?
Thank you very much for getting the right answer.
Question Author
Just googled Walt Whitman, apparently he wrote a poetry collection called "Leaves of Grass". I had never heard of that before, so would never have finished the quiz, so thanks again. :-)
okay, so we figured out walt whitman and all, but i didn't get a blank page; instead i was led to two more pages of riddles to solve until i arrived to the blank page. does this mean that the creator is adding more pages?

the page after whitman: http://www.frozenagain.com/password/witty.html
Question Author
Hi Zombie bear, thank you for your answer. What are the answers to the next two questions after Walt Whitman? The riddler must be making it up as he goes along.
Hi guys.

I'm the creator of this quiz. If you have any more suggestions for pages, please contact me through my deviantART account. http://frozenpandaman.deviantart.com/ The blank page mean I have no more passwords.. I'm still working on it though!

I'm kind of disappointed to see questions like this. Google is your friend - it can help you throughout the quiz.

Question Author
Hi frzn, the leaves of grass was really difficult to get, cos your picture was just one leaf.
How many questions are there now?

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