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Genuine petition

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mrs_overall | 14:33 Tue 27th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
102 Answers
For those of you that don't know, a new law has been proposed that sports anglers must declare their catches or face a �5,000 fine. This applies even to kids catching tiddlers at the end of the pier.
If you think this is ludicrous, there is an online petition you can sign. al/


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Silly silly 'sport', about time it was out-lawed anyway.
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Boo, are you saying that if my 8 year old catches a mackerel for tea with his hand line....he's doing something wrong?
does this include catching crabs when i go to sea side resorts
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lol jamie
No Mrs O- fine if it's for eating. It's the weirdos who spend hours sat hunched up on a riverbank for hours, catch one- then throw the ****** back in again!

ahhh, the word was "bu88ers"
will they have fish cameras to catch these people

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Another bit of Eurononsense, designed by officials who have to continually come up with proposals to justify their existence!
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Boo, I agree with you 100% on that one!

This is about SEA angling. I don't know of any sea angler who would catch something and throw it back!
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camera on the pier , all people fishing must have postcode on back of jacket . camera takes picture send nip in post . fisherman pays fine . more money in the pot for the nice mr brown.

what a brill idea

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What a star you are vibrasphere! xx
It's about time this so called "sport" was banned. Would you like to be caught with a hook in the mouth? I won't be signing any petition!
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I take it you've never eaten fish then Gourmander?
Duly signed it ms_o.

This is for sea fishing Gourmander.
sorry Mrs O, gotta be honest I didn't open your link, I assumed it concerned the, lets call 'em nutters again, who throw their catches back again, all in the name of sport.
Well mrs_0 if your 8yr old has similar tendencies as you 18yr old, I would suggest that the fish have nothing to worry about LOL
Gourmander, I hope you are not one of those awful people who think it is not cruel to rip a plant out of the ground where it is happily flourishing, then cut it up and put it in a pot of boiling water.

Vegetables have feelings too!
I agree with you BOO.

Piercing maggots on the end of a hook, then watching fish wriggling about on one when caught is barbaric, 'specially when they throw them back in the water. I wouldn't call that a sport as such.

However, I thought this petition was sea fishing - catching fish in nets to eat.

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