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Harry-Wragg | 18:00 Thu 29th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp
a face like a bag of spanners
need 50 for a bet - all local variations gratefully accepted


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hit every branch of the ugly tree on the way down
face like a smacked ar$e
face like sucking a sour lemon
face like a cats ar$e
A face like

a greyhound sucking pee off a nettle.

a smacked ar$e


a face like a constipated toad
a face like an exorcised ghost
a face like a plate of raw meat
a face like a dry prune
a face like a cow chewing cud
A face like

the AB Ed on a Monday morning?
A face like a wizened old monkey.
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Pram Faced.........think Vicky Pollard,chav with scraped back hair in a pony tail.
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A face like...

a bulldog eating custard.

a dropped meat pie.
Question Author
francheska - oh - that's unfair - I told you what a grunny was
Bull dog chewin a wasp....
docspock,thats not funny about the gas bill!!!
Uglier than a sack full of dogs ar$e 'oles
.like the back end of a bus
.like a melted welly
a face like a ten bob summons
Question Author
chinadog - docspock is from the south of england and therefore can be excused - althoug I agree with your comment
Face like a wet Monday.
Got a face like a bag of slapped tw@s

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