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Does anyone else think that

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brenda | 17:03 Sat 21st Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
in view of the recent nastiness between some people that
1. a 3 three strikes and your out system may work?
2. a red card system may work?
3 that the Editor needs to get his / her finger out and establish some control?.

I do not know anything about the Editor ,is s/he paid , voluntary , f/time , p/time, but seems to be a bit of an enigma to me.


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well brenda considering the number of different user names some people have I wish the Ed good luck....
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agree craft,some must have loads that they can use, i assume knobby/strumpet are the same person!!!
Hy doc what you having for tea

I am off out in a mo for a curry
brenda im sure thats the eds idea

but allowing users to post unsubstantiated accusations of child sex abuse on here

as old jake and newsdesk have

well they could lead the website into trouble

thats libelous and can also be considered cyber bullying to an extreme

i think the ed needs to ban these users instantlly

and and folk who support them should be banned too

the silent majority turn too man y blind eyes here im afraid.

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go away knobby.....
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sorry doc

ive read loads of wittering bleating gimps on here

about dots grandkid


there was no grandkid nor any wishing it dead

dot twisted the whole thing to suit

yet these same pillars of the community turn their blind eyes when im constantly callled a child sex abuser and wife beater

even when my ex confronts the main instigator old jake

he still continues with newsdesk posting that im a sex abuser and pervert

yet there are folk who will still defend them

if this is the way of things to come then i dont care if cb is closed

you cant support dog hawkes when shes lying and then alloow paedophile abuse on here

people need to get real
What needs to happen, is there should be a Moderator for each section who monitor's each question posted. Any bitchy, abusive, spiteful replies, which many of the regular cliche tend to post, should immediately be deleted.

I will happily act as a Moderator inChatterbank and will enjoy deleting as many posts by certain individuals, as possibe. Don't worry though, I promise to be fair and not single out the jerks, I despise here.
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Well if anything untoward happens to Dot, we all know who did it.
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Doc you have just summed up leg to a tee there
I just don't respond to the idiots. If their lives are so empty that all they have to worry about is this website then I just feel sorry for them.
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