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Bread cobs

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curvybird | 20:41 Tue 07th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
21 Answers
Thats what us Derbyshire folk call em.
Where r u from and wot do u call em ?


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barm cakes
what are they. curvy ?
Huh? Rolls???
Question Author
Sounds a bit Lancashire to me Dot . Am I close ?
its a roll


yous english really are a bit barmy eh ?�?

Aye lass thees spot on
crusty cobs

bread roll

?�?� did that help �?�?

Crusty one are Cobs,soft one Baps.
I like them with oats or grains in them unless they are really crusty - you know the ones you bite into and bits flake off everywhere - obviously if you are well bred you would use a plate
Hiya china..

When I moved to a wee town years ago I heard of things called Americans. They are a type of bread roll that is quite sweet and flat...I used to buy a steak pasty and eat it on the American..yum

Yeh and if you dont use a plate all the flakey bits go everywhere and usually down my tops and I end up picking bits out of my bra lol
Cobs. : )
clyd, you greedy Only kidding sounds lovely. We went for a walk along the seafront this evening but it was so cold we ended up going into a cafe for a hot drink and we had BLT with ciabatta bread mmmm.
My fave, China. I'm sure i could scoff a whole loaf of ciabatta in one go!
Nottinghamshire origin me, so I ate cobs for me snap too (and still do!).
Am I right in thinking it's barm cakes in Lancashire and tea cakes in Yorkshire?
Hya Ice, Me too, they were massive as well. Im still full..haha.
Hya Seven, I've only heard Barm cakes mentioned in Corrie so yeh maybe a Lancastrian thing? Snap,thats food is'nt it?
Hi China, yes, you take your sandwiches(or preferably cobs of course) to work in your snap tin. This was well before the days of tupperware of course!

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