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is anyone still around?

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humblepie | 01:04 Sun 23rd Aug 2009 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
i know you do not know my name but i would respond to people who i respected so ,dot ,elvis68, dabees or people of that ilk are the sort of people who i would class as friends ,obviously anyone who avoids these people would not wish to speak to me (no names now pack drill). i am not trying to be contraversial, i would rather pretend to be friends with everyone if it means i can stay as opposed to being banned.


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no i have gone to bed
Did someone mention 'a round'? If so, mine's a pint ;-)
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well that was to be expected nok
Ooh no,I couldn't drink alcohol at this time of night.
I'm off to me bed as well.....sorry for the bad grammar.
I like the way I say things on here......
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one pint of vodka coming up buenchico. your name is quite difficult after a few.
Oh,by the way humblepie .
It is nice to meet you,I am honoured!!
Until we meet again on AB, goodnight my friend.
Sorry to cut a conversation short.
Bye for now......bonne nuit!
you sound very much like the ex messiah.

By the pint?

That's ridiculous. (It should, of course, only be consumed by the gallon)

did someone offer a drink
it sounds nowt like leggy
or the neanderthal, nonob.
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mr marvel, not a chance.but good evening to you. buenchico i was building up to that amount but did not want anyone to think you were being greedy, it is to late now of course.
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i really had no intention of keeping you up nok so please do not blame me if you are loosing much needed bueaty sleep
Like Mr M, I usually assume that there's a fairly good chance that any 'greenie' who already knows their way around AB is likely to be either Leggy or Knobby but, since I'll always chat to anyone who seems to be making intelligible posts, it doesn't bother me anyway. (My only problem with most of Leggy's & Knobby's posts is that I can't make head nor tail of what on earth they're on about!)
i am sure there is a big chance, but good evening to you whoever you are.
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on reflection beauty ???( drink)
Yes good morning humblepie, I've always wanted to know what exactly are your ingredients
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i can assure you i am neither of the aformentioned, if truth be known the two unmentionable peeps to whom you refer are the main reason why i was removed from chatterbank, i was baited by them relentlasly until i cracked i then gave as good as i got , they then got their defence team on the case and before i knew it i was banned and they carried on as if nothing had happened, now however it seems as if sence has prevailed and the oonly people who defendthem are , well i aint saying but you all know who they are .thank you for your honesty anyway.
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pericat, the main ingredients to humble pie are, 1 cup of realisation, 1 cup of civility ,1/2 cup of humility mix for 3 moths of being banned and hope that you are accepted back into the fold, this is better achieved if your two main protagonists are banned at the time of your return.
s'gud you're all friends then,we all fight a bit

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is anyone still around?

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